I hadn't Nano'ed for 3 days and I was determined to get back in the groove. But I had so many thoughts (none of them related to writing) blitzing around my brain that I couldn't even sit still long enough to read over the last paragraph of my WIP to remember where I left off.
So I drank. It was either that or an expired Vicodin left over from a root canal a few years back. I chugged the Whiskey straight from the bottle until nothing mattered and everything made sense.
And it worked. 3o90 words of fairly decent quality in one hour before I passed out.
I'd better take care not to abuse this shortcut. But if you're stuck, and over 21, you might want to file this trick away in your brain as a Last Resort.
I'm off to eat something because my stomach is sour and my head is pounding. Then I'm going to sit down and write some more.
Sober this time.
1 comment:
This is often not a last resort, but as a way to come up with things sober-me would have never thought of! It really does work!
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